Friday, December 21, 2012

So, you wanna become a vegetarian?

  Being a vegetarian isn't as easy as it looks. And becoming one, is even harder.  You need to have the will power. Your parents might not support you but, this is what you are putting into your body so they can't stop you. Thats advice for people not old enough to make there own decisions. I became a vegetarian with my best friend, Justine, after her papa told us all about when he worked at a slaughter house and what he had to do. He was trying to scare us and it worked. We swore to be vegetarians. Both of our parents assumed that it would last for a week at most. I have proudly been a vegetarian for two years and I don't plan on stopping it anytime soon, or anytime at all. She was on and off because being a vegetarian is very hard and expensive. Her mother also didn't approve so she had no choice but, to go back and forth. I remember when my friends mother made "meatless" chili for us one night at dinner time. The next hours were spent with stomach grumbles as loud as a corvette engine and headaches rated a 100 out of 10 in pain. Finally, her mother apologized and said that she forgot it had meat in it. My friend and I knew she was lying and that she just didn't support our decision. Their are 10 easy steps to becoming a vegetarian:

1) Have a reason (Ex. animal lover, don't like the taste, religious beliefs, staying fit and heathy, want to try something new, economics, etc.)

2) Read up! I love, so try it even if you aren't becoming one!

3) Find a website with recipes for your every needs. ) I recommend keeping a note book of your favorite recipes and where you found them)

4) Start cutting out different meats every week and see how you do or cut it out all at once.

5) Find protein substitutions.

6) Tell friends and family and see how they react. But, if they disagree, it's still up to you.

7) FInd vegetarian foods you like and restaurants you like.

8) Talk to  your doctor and another doctor that can help you with the process.

9) Take any recipe with meat and use "fake" meat. (Ex. Morningstar)

10) Maybe organize a group of vegetarians to talk to and share recipes or look in your area for one to join!

Congrats, your a vegetarian! F0r more information, email me at!

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